Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Please Take Away This Spell

Dear Papa God,

I'm missing home so much that I want to curl up and brawl like a 7-year old kid.

Can you please cuddle me in your presence (since my nanay is so far away to do this, and I couldn't give a bear hug to my younger brother, and my friends are too far away to lighten up the mood or to cry with me if they must and end up laughing again, and I couldn't just talk my sister into taking a walk in the crowded avenues downtown to walk off the negative vibes) 'til I'm strong enough to manage to put a brave face again?

And can you please, please, whisper so quietly to those people whom I love and who love me back---my family and old friends----not to miss me too much?

Your homesick child,


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