Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sisters' Act

It's a wonder. She's the better looking one but she's the one who is too camera shy to goof and make funny poses in front of the camera. While I, the all angles with no curves big sister, is the one who couldn't get enough of pictures.

This is one of those rare moments when I could coax her to relax in front of a camera. She  has this softly-rounded, well proportioned face that once made me hate my angular one. Talk about sister-envy....haha=)

She exudes this "suplada" aura around her and gets easily irritated when she could not make her point be understood but it's all her front to veil her fragile emotions. She's the type who would start a fight or a commotion and would end up crying in the middle of the battle that instead of pounding her instantly to defeat, you would get this strong urge to just cuddle her instead.

We grew up like cats and dogs, fighting over inconsequential things and then making up afterwards. Remember the time when we fought and we made a chaos all over the house---pulling at each other's hair, physically hurting each other and we were prepared to do it to death, pushing the tables and the chairs around the house and even climbing on it to get an advantage of height like we were on a duel? That is too funny to think now. But it wasn't fun when nanay had to make us kneel for two hours afterwards.

Yet, there are actually moments when sisters grow up, and grow tired of bickering and circling around each other's presence. There are moments when I still love to hate you and you admit that there are moments when you want to squish me when you have had enough of my crazy thoughts and ideas 'coz you are the serious and the more systematic thinker. You've become my walkathon buddy whenever I feel this strong urge to walk my stress and worries off and you would mutter and mumble a bit but would still go with me on my downtown walks or my jeepney rides, without actually a definite destination. 

Let's just admit it. You would have made a better "big sister" than I am because you are more grounded compared to me. But since we couldn't change destiny's plan and she let me out a full year ahead of you, let me play the big sister part here, okay?

 You may sometimes have doubts with your capacities and you often ask me how to go about some things when you are too unsure if what you've done is right, but let me tell you: you are greater than all your fears and doubts put together. You are a good planner  that you always put my incomprehensible plans to shame. You stick to the rules and you are good in comprehending and following it by heart 'til the final part when I have a lot of difficulty following step 1. You are not scared to delve in the matters of the heart and go for it when up to now, I'm only at the basic level---trying to live one day at a time with the realization that my one great unrequited love, will just be forever unrequited unless I do something about it or just completely drop it off. I chose the latter by the way, in case you ask. See? 

You're a whole lot better off. So why worry too much about a thing that you would one day just laugh about? You worry too much dear sister, to the point of getting sick.

God is with you on your board exam you crazy sisterrete! How dare you go to a fortune teller who told you that it will be a fifty-fifty chance? It's not about chance, nor luck, nor fate dear sister. It's about putting to test what you know and what you've learned. And you're not at the loosing end on that matter. 

So the next time you decide to put your fate on a fortune teller (May pinagmanahan ka talaga sa mga kabaliwan! Hay naku! No wonder...), better go to me. I'll tell you just what exactly you need that would black those (almost) perfectly shaped eyes of yours. 

Just prepare the fee though, no free service, even for sisters.

1 comment:

  1. How sweet. I wish I have a big sister like you. :) Nice writing, btw.
