Monday, September 26, 2011

What Does Going To School Mean... that I don't get to work with you Science pipz.

  • It means no goofing and laughing around over "mababaw" things without being labeled as "mababaw"...haha

  • It means I can go home too early everyday because we don't have to do stage decorations, bulletin boards, stage decorations, quizzes the following day, stage decorations, powerpoint presentations for the next day, stage decorations, quarter exam...and uhm, did I mention stage decorations?

  • It means no more late at night dinners at Mang Inasal and Andok's.

  • It means no more tactical moves to escape M' May Ann during deadlines. (M' Luwela and M' Ronella, remember?)

  • It means no more MAJOR planning for supposed to be surprise birthday bashes.

  • It means no more on the spur of the moment plan to eat dinner at Villa or at Salve's.

  • It means no more sappy, girly-talk, crying moments which will just end up into fits of laughter.

  • It means no more picture-picture day in which we really take great efforts in dressing up and planning our poses.

  • It means no more of this and that and a whole lot of other things that make working in a too stressful profession (in which you have to give too much to the point of sometimes feeling at loss of your yourself), a whole lot uplifting and a bunch easier.

My life may be less stressful too less stressful  now, but it also means giving up the little pleasures like our small talks and the occasional escape from school to buy indian mango outside.

 I don't have to starve for hours just to finish a decoration which will be needed in a few minute's time under the glaring heat of the sun coupled with a drizzle but it also means that I have to occasionally eat my meals alone and in silence.

My hands are not anymore caked with dried paint and glue which would take days to be removed and my whole body is not covered with glitters, like stardusts have been strategically poured on me by some mad fairy godmother but it also means not having to work with you guys. And working with you means a great learning experience which spells F-U-N.

 I don't have to complain about an after-school meeting when I have a bunch of work to finish before midnight but it also means I won't have the pleasure to listen to M' May Ann's philosophical talks ala M' May Ann style (that means non-stop laughing in between the talk), M' Luwela's non-failing encouragements and inspirational talks about faith and LOVE and LOVE and LOVE, and M' Ronella's funny anecdotes and quirky ideas.

I did not mean to write this in a mushy-mushroom manner but forgive me, I just can't help it. This is my way of telling you: I miss working WITH YOU science pipz!!!!!=)

PS: Prepare to be hit by a rain of corns with this write-up. You've been warned. Haha....

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