Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I Gave my Yellow Bookshelf a Make-Over!

Last April of this year, when I was jobless and almost penniless, out of nowhere, I got the itch of repainting my old book shelf which has been housing my books, since like, forever (Super over! And not to mention, over-rated word...haha!).

Out of the two bookshelves that I have, this yellow bookshelf is my favorite and it houses a portion of my book collection, not to mention that the books placed in this particular shelf are some of my favorites....

Perhaps it was my subconscious' way of helping me not to get into panic attacks whenever I think of the facts that: (1.) I still didn't have a job (Actually, I was already accepted in a school that I applied into but I had this strong feeling that the Man upstairs had a different plan for me, which he surely did have.) and (2.) I was ALMOST penniless that the money in my pocket was several  peso less from a four digit number.

So, my ever reliable subconscious screamed at me to unleash my creative side (sus!), despite the fact that, again, I was almost penniless. Do I really have to reiterate that I was almost penniless? There I go with the almost penniless again. See? Ay, cut it off!

Armed for the painting job!

So, with a heavy heart, I had to spend a big portion of the money left with me to buy paint in order to satiate my thirst for creative work.

Though it was an amateurish attempt, I was satisfied with how my dear, trusty bookshelf looked after.

the side...

the top view

....and the other side

So what caused me almost a heartache, for shelling some of my penny out months before, is now standing mutely and proudly at one corner in our house. It is still the same sturdy bookshelf (I'll somewhat be missing a little the charming yellow bookshelf, though.), yet at the moment, it holds a certain story (Of how my decisions in life would further affect the ones in the future...paano ako napunta dito? haha!) in every amateur strokes and lines on its surface.

...and I think I will not be tired looking at it for a long, long time.

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